Thursday, September 10, 2009

Tonight's homework

We've nearly made it a full week!

Just a few pointers about your homework tonight.

Your input numbers are the numbers you begin with. You are going to use the input/output rule (located in the box above the input/output chart) to find your output number.

For example:

Let's say my input/output rule was x 5. If my input number was 1, I would do 1 x 5, giving me an output number of 5 (because 1 x 5 = 5).

If my input numbers were 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, the pattern rule for the input numbers would be:

Start at 1. Add 1 each time.

If my output numbers were 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, the pattern rule for the output numbers would be:

Start at 5. Add 5 each time.

Remember: if you have any questions, post them here, and I will respond.

Have a great night!

-Ms. Lewis.


  1. Hi Alamor,

    Let me know what you're having troubles with, and we'll work on the problems together.

    Glad you've found our blog!

    -Ms. Lewis.


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