Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Happy Wednesday!

We started our unit on patterning today. We learned that numbers in a pattern are called terms. The following growing pattern has 5 terms:

2, 7, 12, 17, 22

Our pattern is increasing (we know that because the numbers are getting bigger). Because the numbers are increasing, we know the pattern is using one of two operations: addition or multiplication. We know this because only those operations make numbers bigger.

So...let's think about how we get from 2 to 7.

We can add 5.

What about from 7 to 12?

We add 5!

What about from 12 to 17?

How about that? We add 5 again!

Our pattern rule, then, is: start at 2. Add 5 each time.

Let me know if you've got questions about patterning by either posting a comment here, or asking me tomorrow. If you need help with your homework tonight, this is a great forum to use.

Thanks for a great day, Grade 5s! You guys ROCK!

-Ms. Lewis.

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