Friday, September 18, 2009

Math Word Definitions

It's Friday!

Post your math word definitions here. We'll be using your pictures and definitions to creat our Math Words Wall.

You need to find the definitions for:
-pattern rule

If you find a great online math dictionary (or another source you think is very useful), post the information as a comment. We can all benefit from hearing about great sites, resources, etc.!

Remember that some words have more than one definition. We want to find out what these words mean IN MATH.

Have a great weekend, folks!

-Ms. Lewis.


  1. Hey mrs.Lewis it is me Britny this is all the answer i got from tonight homework.
    Input - the number or value that is entered ,for example into function machine. the number that goes onto the machine is the input.

    Output -the number or value that comes out from process. for example in a function machine a number goes in something is done to it ,and the resulting number is the output

    Perimeter - the sum of the lenghts of all the sides of a polygon.

    Term - A part of an algebraic equation or a number in a squence or a series or a product of real number and variables

    that all i found Mrs.Lewis

  2. Good start, Britny!

    Thanks for posting what you found. Where did you find that information? Was it in a book, or was it online?

    If possible, post the address for the website (if you used a website) as a comment here.

    -Ms. Lewis :)

  3. Hi Ms. Lewis,

    It's Cameron. Here are my answers:

    Pattern Rule: When you put things in a certain way that makes a rule.

    Input: A number that is entered into a function.

    Output: The output is the answer from the input with the operation.

    Operation: An operation is when you are doing something with the numbers.

    Perimeter: The perimeter is the distance around a figure.

    Similar: When shapes look the same.

    Term: One or more numbers in an operation.

    Here's a website I found:

  4. Great work, Cameron!

    Thanks for including the website you found useful. I'll include all the websites our class has found useful in the left column under "Math Links".

    -Ms. Lewis.

  5. Pattern Rule-Things that are arranged in a way that it makes a rule

    Input-A Number which has entered in a function

    Output:The Result from the input with the operation

    Operation-A Mathematical Process

    Perimeter-Distance around a figure

    Similar-Shapes which look the same

    Term-1 or more numbers in an operation

    I used the math link for it xD (

    <3 - Zainab

  6. And I Dont Really Get how To Draw a Picture for it :S


  7. Hi Nicholas!

    I'm glad to see you've figured out how to post comments on our math blog.

    I hope you're studying hard for our test tomorrow!

    -Ms. Lewis :)


Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.